Patrick Henry College was founded in 2000 to provide an educational pathway for homeschoolers to become national evangelical, cultural, social and political leaders. 

Published by Chronicle Books, RIGHT: Portraits of the Evangelical Ivy League follows the young men and women at PHC over a two-year period.

The college dress code instructs students to honor God through their appearance. Accordingly, the young people wear business suits during, and even after class, as well as at their internships for the White House, legislators, think tanks, government agencies, and lobbyists. Highly anticipated yearly events like the spring Liberty Ball see the young people adopting attire that harkens back to the era of the Founding Fathers.

RIGHT was the basis for In the Paths of Righteousness, an exhibition at the California Museum of Photography. Images from RIGHT are held in the collection at UC Riverside’s California Museum of Photography. 


To purchase a copy of Right please contact Jona Frank or www.arcana